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April 2022 Epic Families Blog

April 2022 Epic Families Blog

It’s spring break season, that time of year when many families travel or take a needed break before the final stretch of the school year.

Whenever my family is traveling we like to have a plan to follow, especially regarding the important parts of the trip: places to stay overnight, meal strategy, and key activities. We also love to be spontaneous and allow God’s Spirit to direct us to enjoy unanticipated experiences. But one other key part of travel is having a rescue plan if an emergency occurs. As our children mature, they have learned to pack properly to help avoid challenges before they happen, and also how to react and serve the family in a crisis.

I still remember the way God showed up to protect us during a vacation in Europe. We were stopping off in Brussels for the day as we traveled from Amsterdam to Paris. Walking from the train station toward the city center (where we wanted to treat the kids to Belgian waffles and chocolate), my husband and I noticed that we were being followed. A guy started engaging in conversation to distract, and my husband placed himself between the guy and the rest of us, ensuring his right hand was available to defend. As a rule we walk fast anyway, but at that moment God gave us extra energy to turn on the speed while we covered the situation in prayer! When this guy made a move to take my husband’s backpack, the straps held, and a shout deterred this guy from theft. We turned out to be a hard target. We had played our part preparing ourselves with self-defense classes and sturdy luggage and God certainly played His part with providing protection over us and landing us safely at a restaurant serving chocolate waffles.

While it’s essential to play our part in life, the most important part of our journey is to rely on God to play His part–and that’s not just for spring break! God has a rescue plan for everyone – what good news! 

This month Epic Kids are learning all about Jesus as Messiah and Savior. His sacrifice on the cross and His glorious resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith, and we want kids to learn about Jesus, ask questions, and learn about the part that God plays in our lives.

As our kids learn more about Jesus, we pray that they accept His rescue plan for their lives, and follow Him as Lord and Savior.

Parents, make it a habit to talk about your faith with your children. If you have questions regarding Easter or other Bible content, reach out to Epic’s pastors or staff and access our family resources on One excellent resource for reading through the Easter story is The Jesus Storybook Bible – it can speak to kids of all ages! Author Sally Lloyd-Jones does an excellent job in explaining how God’s rescue plan is prophesied in many of the Bible stories, all coming to fruition in the resurrection.

So if you are traveling or at home, on a mountaintop or a valley in life, remember that you don’t need to rely solely on your own actions on your journey. Trust in God’s rescue plan. Encourage your kids to learn about Jesus. You will be amazed to watch how God unfolds the beautiful map of your family’s pilgrimage, guiding you to a deep and fulfilling connection with Him along the way.

This month I’d like to end by praying over your families as you celebrate Resurrection Sunday:
“O God, our Father, at Easter time we remember the great hope of eternal life which you have set before us, and we feel within our hearts the longings for goodness and for you. Grant that nothing may hinder the hope of eternal life from coming true, and the desire for goodness and for you from being realized.” ~From Prayers for the Christian Year by William Barclay

We hope this monthly blog is encouraging for your family. For more week-to-week information on Epic Kids @ Home family lessons, activities, and prayer prompts, please visit the Kids page on our website and join our Epic Family Facebook Group. We post resources each week to support your family in Bible study. 

He is RISEN,


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