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Coming Out of a Pandemic

Coming Out of a Pandemic

Epic Family,

When is this going to be over? This is a question our world has been asking since March 2020 and we still don’t fully know the answer to this question. I am grateful that there seems to be light at the end of this tunnel, but who can say for sure when we’ll come out of this pandemic?

While we don’t know when we’re going to come out of this pandemic, it is time to start thinking about how we’re going to come out of it. We hopefully have all learned some valuable lessons over the past 14 months. I’m assuming we’ve at least gained some clarity on what matters most in our lives. As you think about how you’re going to come out of this pandemic, let me suggest some ideas on how to come out of this long season.

As our world opens up, make sure there’s purpose behind every “Yes” that you give. If you’re like me, you’re kind of ready to say “Yes” to every invitation you receive. Don’t make that mistake. Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Get clear on your God-given purpose for this next season and then make sure that clarity shows up on your weekly calendar.

While we all want to get back to our “normal” lives, we need to leave some of our “normal” in the past. Before this pandemic, what were you doing that wasn’t producing good fruit in your life? Was there a habit or an addiction or activities that just wasted so much of your time? Decide now how you’re going to guard what comes into your heart, your mind, and your life. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Whatever you allow to get into your heart is going to come out in your life. Be wise about what your new “normal” is going to look like.

Posture your heart so that this season leaves you with more gratitude and less bitterness. A challenging year like this past one can leave us grateful for what we still have or bitter over what we have lost. It is right to grieve all of the things we have lost. But even in our losses, we haven’t lost everything. God is still with us. He has given us breath. He has given us this community. One of the things I’m doing each day is listing 3 things I’m grateful for. I promise you this practice will change your perspective. We’re told to give thanks in all circumstances (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18). I know many of our circumstances have been less than ideal this past year, but there is still so much to thank God for.

Though you can’t know when you’re going to come out of this pandemic, you can do something about HOW you’re going to come out of this.

Ready to come out of this with you,


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