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December Epic Kids Blog

December Epic Kids Blog

Our savior is coming…can you feel it? The anticipation is growing, and children young and old yearn for the peace and joy that Christmas ushers in.

There are times during the holiday season when we genuinely feel God’s presence and peace, and other times when we feel harried, rushed, and disjointed. Although we cognitively know that the Lord doesn’t leave us or forsake us, we don’t always feel Him with us. Why is that? I would venture to say it’s because we need to move Jesus into the center of our friend circle; we need to ensure we’re talking to Him daily. Try it! Move Jesus into the center of your life, and talk to him as you rise up and spend your minutes throughout your day. By days’ end you may find you have laughed more, felt more, and been more confident and calm as you have shared your hopes and fears with God. 

I can only imagine how Mary felt as she navigated the physical, mental and social stress of her pregnancy with Jesus in the midst of a judgmental community of people who knew of her engagement to Joseph, thinking the worst. Did she feel God’s presence and peace in her condition? I’m inclined to believe that Mary, being human just like us, had sweet moments of joyful connection with the Lord, along with many moments of doubts and fears edging into her mind. I mean, who wouldn’t have some fears as you navigated long roads, crowded streets, and less-than-optimal accommodations all while nine months pregnant with the child you knew was from God?

I think the Christmas story touches us all so deeply, believer or not, because we are eager to feel the hope and joy that Jesus’ birth engenders. We want this little family to overcome all the heartache and stress of their circumstances through the miracle of birth. We want the fresh newness of hope and peace that a child brings.

So this story bears repeating every year—people must hear the news of Jesus’ birth, with all the drama of His humanity coupled with His clear divinity! Our kids need this story, as much as we do. Kids of all ages need Jesus to be in the center of life, for Christ is the giver of life, hope, peace, and joy!

Our family has heard many versions of the Nativity, and one has become our favorite—The Coming of the King by Norman Vincent Peale. I think we like it because it makes Luke 2 so relatable as we can imagine what it must’ve felt like to witness this special birth. Likewise, we’ve been watching The Chosen series which depicts the life of Jesus through the eyes of people who knew Him best—his disciples. The Christmas episode of The Chosen places us in Mary and Joseph’s shoes, feeling the impact of Jesus’ birth.

So each year as you share the story of Christmas with your kids, ask God to provide the feeling of closeness with Jesus, and for the hope, peace, joy, and love of God to overcome the drama of our humanity. What an awesome God we have who chose to enter this world in such a humble way as to draw us close and help us to make Him the center of our lives. Gloria in excelsis Deo!

We hope this monthly blog is encouraging for your family. For more week-to-week information on Epic Kids @ Home family lessons, activities, and prayer prompts, please visit the Kids page on our website and join our Epic Family Facebook Group. We post resources each week to support your family in Bible study. 

Merry Christmas,


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