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February Epic Families Blog

February Epic Families Blog

Worship: the word can be used as a verb or a noun. Webster’s dictionary defines the verb as 1. To honor or show reverence for, as a divine being or supernatural power or 2. To regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion. This word, worship, has some similarities to the word love. Both words indicate action. To worship God is to take action, just like to love someone is to act in love–it’s more than a feeling (cue the Boston classic rock song…).

If we want to respond to God’s great love for us, we must act! We pray, we read scripture and ask faith questions, we sing and play music, we give our resources of time and money to support God’s ministries locally and globally, and we live out the calling God has given us. This is worship. These acts of worship are responses of love toward God. We do this because Jesus acted in love for us, teaching us, walking with us, humbling himself to take the punishment we deserved, showing us mercy and great love every step of the way.

So how do our kids learn to act in love toward God and others? They learn from our example. They also learn from our intentional guidance and instruction. They will most always seek to learn from a parent over any other person, even if they themselves don’t realize it. This is why Paul’s advice in 1 Corinthians 16:14 “Let all that you do be done with love.” is important to follow! 

Now this doesn’t mean we have to be singing rainbows and unicorns only to our kids. Please be willing to correct them–just do it in love! By lovingly correcting your child, you are showing how much you care about him and his future. You are guiding her to a better way, the Way, Truth, and Life which Jesus taught. Correction in love gives children boundaries within which they can thrive and learn confidence! It’s hard work to raise kids in love, so remain in prayer, give yourself grace, and don’t parent alone. Invite others into your life to parent alongside you, encouraging one another in faith.

Parenting in love is an act of worship. Don’t miss this! What you do every day in your family matters. You are raising a soul within the next generation, and with God’s help and the love of a community, you can stay true to the Way that Jesus teaches, and your kids will learn to LOVE God, each other, and themselves. We can only imagine the smile on God’s face when we worship Him with our children!

We hope this monthly blog is encouraging for your family. For more week-to-week information on Epic Kids @ Home family lessons, activities, and prayer prompts, please visit the Kids page on our website and join our Epic Family Facebook Group. We post resources each week to support your family in Bible study. 

In Christ’s love,


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