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Great Hope, Great God - Devotional #2 by Seth Condrey

Great Hope, Great God - Devotional #2 by Seth Condrey

Epic Family,
Our Worship Pastor Seth Condrey has written a 5-part devotional series based on the lyrics from his new song, "Great Hope, Great God."  If you missed Part 1 last week, check it out here.

I'm excited for him to share Part 2 with you today.

Much Love,
Pastor Ben

“While I am waiting for wonders, You’re holding my heart”

“Miracle through the biblical tradition, is not what we don’t understand but is what is done for us that we can’t do ourselves. Miracle is functional. It’s what God does for us or does for us through other people that we can’t do ourselves.”  - Eugene Peterson from Every Step An Arrival

We sometimes think of miracles as things that are unexplainable, wondrous, and mysterious. While those things may very well be considered wonders or miracles, a miracle is something that is BEYOND our abilities. Eugene continues, “So in that way I can, when I walk out in the morning and see the sun coming up over the horizon, say, ‘That’s a miracle.’ And I would be biblically correct. Every morning is a miracle."

With all of our current cultural tensions, and so many things dividing us, the image of Jesus on the cross has been more meaningful and vivid than ever. Given the hours He spent hanging on a “criminal's cross”, what flowed naturally from his heart through his words is life altering and unparalleled. Jesus died a horrible death on a cross to set us free from sin and to show us the way to life. He died to give us an abundant life here on this earth. There has never been a stronger or greater display of pure Love. Love himself, between two thieves; two sides; two crosses. He held them and everything else together in that moment, as he does even now.

And He wants to be the ‘glue’ that keeps us together on the inside and make us a whole person.

As I was thinking about the wonder of the cross, I was reminded of Laminin - something a friend of mine shared with me years ago. Laminin is the physical “glue” that literally holds our bodies together. It’s a powerful little cell adhesion molecule.

I found it pretty amazing that the molecule that is literally holding us together is the shape of the most recognized, and transformative symbol in the world: the cross.

Colossians 1:16-17 says, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

Eugene Peterson concludes, “He holds it all together. And that is a wonder in and of itself.”  I love the image of God holding our lives together - His mighty, yet gentle hands cradling our hearts. Pastor Ben often reminds us that “we are in God’s good hands”. That is so true! Christ holds us together physically, spiritually, and communally.

If you are waiting for a wonder or miracle to happen today, you are not alone. Jesus on the cross reminds us that he is the one who holds our broken hearts and has the power to make them whole again.

- Seth Condrey

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