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Holy Spirit Monday through Saturday

Holy Spirit Monday through Saturday

My exposure to the Holy Spirit looked like a bag of nuts, bolts, and screws that come in a plastic bag with a piece of furniture to assemble. Company always sends a few extras. Holy Spirit was an extra in much of my spiritual life. As I learn more, I’ve come to depend on the Holy Spirit in my life. Specifically in two areas: 1. As I read the Bible during the week. 2. As I engage with people during the week.

When you read the Bible, invite the Holy Spirit to help you understand. Scripture with the Holy Spirit is like having the Author read His own audio book with commentary!

I believe Jesus is the best thing about my life. When this truth is loud and clear I’m less afraid (Notice I didn’t say I’m not afraid) to talk about Him to people. I’m learning how to live by the energy and influence of the Holy Spirit. Still so much to learn.

I’ll show it to you in this way:

Galatians 5:16, 18, 22, 25 (The Message translation)

Live freely, animated, and motivated by God’s Spirit. Then you won’t feed the compulsions of selfishness. Why don’t you choose to be led by the Spirit and so escape the erratic compulsions of a law-dominated existence?

But what happens when we live God’s way?

Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not hold it just as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives.

Work out its implications in every detail of our lives. As I speak on the topic of the Holy Spirit at work in us Monday through Saturday, I want to ask three questions:

Who me?

How do I utilize the Holy Spirit in the city?

Do I really believe anything is possible with God?

Who me?

If the Holy Spirit lives inside Christians, shouldn’t He be easy to see?

Sundays for sure around a place like church, but what happens Monday through Saturday in believers who have the Holy Spirit living inside of us?

Many Christians receive Christ for salvation, but like most things in life, we get what we want out of it, then move on with life.

We live a half-hearted Christianity if we are living it for what we can get out of it. It’s the power of the Holy Spirit unleashed in our lives that brings us completely and whole-heartedly to life.

Imagine if all you did was breathe in. Try it. Breathe in and do not exhale. It’s impossible. We have to breathe out. We cannot tell our lungs to work. Only God. That’s spiritual energy. It’s the Hebrew word: ruach.

What do we do Monday through Saturday? Ruach. Yes, we breathe in the Spirit and breathe out the Spirit. Or we are breathing in flesh and breathing out flesh if we are not walking in the Spirit.

Picture this in John 20:21-22. Jesus has died and rose again and he’s talking with his disciples.

“Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And with that he [Jesus] breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” John 20:21-22

Jesus’ plan for His followers has always been to send us out with the Holy Spirit.

This isn’t for the super Christians. John 7:37-38  says everyone who believes in Jesus will receive the Holy Spirit.

This is true. The Holy Spirit is a part of your day, walking with you through your day. Yes, here in San Francisco. But it starts in you and me.

I know it’s a scary place for Him to invade and set up shop and I get it. But he has people he wants you to see, encounters for you to step into.

By now in this series, we can all attest that the Holy Spirit isn’t a third wheel - He is our guide!

STORY: Road to Hana. Ben had to drive the car. Otherwise we’d still be sitting in a very expensive rental car at the airport. But Gypsy app linked to our GPS and told us where to turn, what to avoid, 5 must see places, where to get coffee, when to look left and when to slow down. The question: Who me? Yes, you are the vehicle the Spirit navigates. You move/act. He tells you where to go, what to say, things to avoid. Like the app, there’s a little x in the bottom right corner. And you can easily turn off the Spirit and do your own thing, but the more you trust Him, the more you want Him in charge.

Holy Spirit is not an extra. You are not an extra. Holy Spirit plus you is needed Monday through Saturday!

How do you utilize the Holy Spirit in the city?

The encounter I want us to read is found in Acts 3:1-10. Let’s stand together to honor God’s Word.

Setting: city of Jerusalem, homeless beggars around, 3 pm on a weekday afternoon, 2 Christians who have the Spirit of the Living God in them

“One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.”

‭‭Acts‬ ‭3:1-10‬ ‭

You can be seated. Holy Spirit, keep teaching us. Give us an openness, awareness, belief, and courage to live for You in this city.

You can imagine this caused quite a stir! If you like to binge Netflix, you’ll want to binge the rest of Acts later on today. Peter was brought into question in chapter 4. Scripture records that he was filled with the Holy Spirit as he told the rulers what happened. Later on in verse 13, everyone could tell Peter and John were unschooled, ordinary men who had been with Jesus. Anyone else feel unqualified? But time with Jesus and the Spirit being active in your life changes you and leads to life change in others.

All the good inside of us, God put there. When we put it to use with our strength, will, and determination, it’s striving after the wind. Sure it looks shiny and impressive to the world who is into shiny and impressive. But what if we joined God in what He is doing here?

In this book, Why We Live in Community, Eberhard Arnold, wrote,

“The Spirit enters into a community when, through its members’ common yearning, the community opens itself and makes itself ready to be Spirit-driven.”

Arnold went on to say that love that comes from the Spirit is work. Work is not always clean and neat. If you have not messy, you have not love. He said the way we fight against depravity is the weapon of the Spirit, ‘which is constructive work carried out in the fellowship of love. This is the real basis of community.”

This is all going to look different in every place with each of our gifts. The Holy Spirit is vastly creative. He needs us to be open and aware. To believe and to be courageous.

Like those in the Bible, the Holy Spirit gives us the words to say. Language and culture aren’t barriers when the Holy Spirit is at work. Actually nothing is a barrier. Lots may feel scary, but Spirit has been in this world since its existence. He’s seen it all and over it all.

I’ve got more good news! We’re not expected to speak with polished speech! That takes the spotlight off the cross of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:17 says, For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel - not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones said,

“Go through Acts and in every instance when we are told either that the Spirit came upon those men or that they were filled with the Spirit, you will find that it was in order to bear a witness and a testimony.” - Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones

Peter and John said, “As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:24)

Let the story speak for itself!

Sundays are for swapping stories. Monday through Saturdays are for stepping into stories.

Peter and John went back to their own people, shared their story, and everyone praised God together. Our stories erupt with praise from even more people.

Then because of what happened with Peter and John, the rest of the people prayed they too would be able to speak with great boldness. (Acts 4:29)

“And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31

Preparing to teach today, I experienced fear of rejection from you. I know you love me, but what if I sound crazy as I share this? What if this is all ridiculous talk in 2021? I get why the Israelites backed away from God’s presence and said, Hey Moses, you do this for us...we’re gonna wait outside. This is just too much.

I have to ask: Do we just want to know about God or know God? Do we just want to read about God and learn about Him and tap into the easy to understand parts? Do we just want religion?

How do you utilize the Spirit here in the city?

If it’s an open door, go in. If it’s a closed door, pray. Regardless, a Spirit-filled life is an active life.

STORY: Marshalls, I don’t tell this story because I’ve got this figured out. I tell this story because it’s how I’m figuring it out right here on this literal block we are in right now. I started prayer-walking out of fear. You know those prayers if you’ve lived here longer than a day!

I was in between meetings downtown one day. I crossed Mission and 4th and heard loud and crazy noises. When I stopped and turned, a man was dragging a blanket around in circles in the intersection. Unfortunately, this didn’t shock anyone around, but it should sadden us all. We cannot be okay with this.

I’m learning to voice the Name of Jesus out loud towards a situation or person that I can’t approach. (This takes discernment and what I speak of are moments where safety comes first.) As busy and distracted as everyone is, I didn’t look out of place praying out loud. I believe he calmed down. Was this a prayer answered? Was he physically exhausted from shouting? Regardless, for his sake, I was grateful. I kept walking.

I stepped into Marshall’s that used to be out here on Market Street. I had just started sliding hangers to the left when a large man with layers larger than he was appeared to my right. He brushed up against me then quickly apologized. He got back to what he was doing. What was he doing? The second the question entered, so did fear. He was arranging store goods into his layers, his back closely against my right side. My feet locked. My hands shifted to slow motion with the hangers. My eyes spotted a beautiful light gray velvet dress with a red sticker on it. Who loves red stickers?! My brain lost communication with my feet. My palms grew wet. My body temperature rose. Who loves it when this happens?

Something in my spirit said, tell him Jesus loves him. Tap him on the shoulder. Tell him Jesus loves him.

I knew this was why my feet wouldn’t move. All I know is my body wasn’t running because the Holy Spirit had work to do right there. Most times I know it’s the Holy Spirit because it’s something I wouldn’t naturally choose to do on my own. Anyone identify? I tapped and whispered loud enough for just the two of us. “Sir, I don’t know what you’re going through but I’m supposed to tell you that Jesus loves you. He loves you very much.”

He pivoted his body and he looked at me for several seconds.

“Thank you.” Like the most sincere thank you ever received.

An employee came over and asked him if he needed a basket for his items. I loved her question! There was no shame or accusation in her posture. I also loved that my feet came unlocked, my hands were able to lift the velvet dress with the red sticker and I went straight to the dressing room. It fit perfectly and I attribute that to the calories I burned in all the right places in the previous moment!

I needed to pay for this dress and get to my meeting. I’d process this all later. But the man with layers was waiting for me. Don’t think scary. Think God. Think “I can’t make this stuff up.” Think being caught up in something that you’ll try and retell one day and you have to experience it to get it. Think that!

He said, “I'm not doing good. I’m in a really bad place. You reminding me that Jesus loves me is what I need to hear.”

Here we were again. Me, the man, and the Holy Spirit.

What’s your name?

Charles. Charleston actually.

I’m Shauna. We shook hands.

Charleston, I meant it. Jesus does love you. I had the hardest time getting those words out to you though.

He looked surprised. But neither of us knew much about one another. We could make guesses. No, we had already made guesses about each other.

I told him I’d found a place where I feel loved and accepted and learn about Jesus. I also plugged Alpha! I handed him an epic invite card and pointed in the direction of our church and invited him to come.  He smiled and looked interested and walked away.

My work wasn’t over. I saw the employee who brought Charleston the basket. I asked her if she was the one who approached us earlier. As if me and Charleston were a team!

Yes, and because of what you said to him, he emptied our store goods from his layers into the basket.

I was surprised because my part seemed over. It was now the employee’s turn to see the Holy Spirit at work. While I was in the dressing room, Charleston told the employee that I told him Jesus loves him. The employee told him that it was true!

I asked if she believed in God and she said yes! And guess what? She was also the store manager! The Holy Spirit used Mattie and me that week day in Marshalls. She was at work. I was in between meetings. Charleston was right where he needed to be to hear the truth that Jesus loves him. He wasn’t at church. He was shoplifting at Marshalls. This is why it matters that we live Spirit filled lives Monday through Saturday.

People in this room have Spirit-filled stories too. When we’re open and aware. When we believe and take courage. Spirit can do much in this city every single day of the week!

Last question: Do you really believe anything is possible with God?

My friend, Jess Manuel is a church planter in Boulder, Colorado. She shared this with me recently:

Regarding the Holy Spirit, we want the filling without the yielding. We want an increase of the Holy Spirit in our lives, an outpouring of miracles, healings, spiritual awakenings, eyes to see, ears to hear, but when He asks us to do the smallest things in our daily lives, we are so quick to ignore it because it doesn't feel big enough.

It’s both. The Holy Spirit’s radical involvement is because we’re radically involved. Our yes to Jesus unleashes His Spirit.

STORY: Christine Caine posted this on social media: “I love it when God does something so profoundly personal, that you know, that you know, that you know, he sees you. He does what only He can do to remind you He is God, and there is no other. If you told anyone what He did, they probably wouldn’t believe you. Makes me smile.” - Christine Caine

It’s us, you guys. Take a look around. Holy Spirit is here to walk out with each of us who make Jesus known in our city this week.

Go live spent and sent and come back to Sunday to refuel. This is what Monday through Saturday followers of Christ do as the Spirit leads and guides us.

Pray:  Father God, you walked in the garden and came alongside your people in the Old Testament. As the Son of God in the person of Jesus, you came in human form to live among us. As the Spirit of the Living God, you are here inside us. You’ve never left us. You have never gone away. We need not fear. You are here and aren’t going anywhere. We might have missed you, but you have never missed us. You might be invisible and we have the mentality that out of sight is out of mind, but that’s never ever been true with you. Everything in this Church, in this City, in our home, in our work, in our lives, in this world is under your control, and rule and domain. We need to adapt to Your direction and go where you are going! Holy Spirit, come rest on us. You’re all we want!

Pastor and author Dane Ortlund says, “...the Spirit is the answer to how Jesus can leave them bodily while leaving his heart behind. The Spirit is the continuation of the heart of Christ for his people after the departure of Jesus to heaven.”

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