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January 2025 Epic Families Blog

January 2025 Epic Families Blog


Happy New Year Epic families! May the Lord bless you, provide guidance, and encourage you in the fullness of His love and grace in your parenting journey in 2025.

When the calendar turns each year, I breathe deeply and my heart beats just a bit faster as I consider the promise and hope that is ushered in with these squeaky new days. I’m like a kid anticipating unwrapping a present – I’m so eager to experience what God has prepared for my family each new year. It’s always different than expected and, in hindsight, better than anticipated. God has that amazing habit of showing up just on time in the midst of the good, bad, and messy moments of life, and turning my chin up to His face, reminding me of His love.

This year we had days of heavy rain prior to New Years. Our family traveled with two other families to stay in a Wi-Fi-free Airbnb on ten acres near Lake Tahoe. The space and the lack of internet distraction allowed for deep connections and conversations, creative games, plus delicious meals and hikes to walk them off. (Sidenote – parents of teens, you may want to specifically get a no wi-fi place next time you’re traveling – it does wonders for the convo!) What grabbed my attention on the return home was the rolling green hills of Northern California. We struggle many months of the year with dry, brown, dusty foliage which is unfortunately the tinderbox that fuels wildfires. But when the rainy season arrives, our hills burst into vibrant greens!

On the drive, God seemed to be saying to me: “Look for the new growth! See the miracle of the tender shoots rising up from the earth. Notice the impact and beauty from all those plants – of a multitude of shapes and sizes – taking in the life-giving water from the creator and flourishing in the way which He intended.” 

That’s a message of life for us humans to take to heart. We can open up our dry and parched souls to receive God’s living water of fresh love and joy in Jesus who quenches our thirst and brings growth into the new year. As parents, we give our kids access to a relationship with Jesus by sharing our own faith, and when our kids see the benefits of God’s love, they get curious about following Jesus. It’s one of the most rewarding benefits of parenting – the opportunity to get a front row seat as your child grows in faith.

But growing isn’t just for the young! Watching our kids grow can encourage us to push up shoots and send down roots of faith. It’s worthwhile to spend time in these new days of the year establishing habits that will nurture healthy spiritual progress. Remember that God smiles on every small step of faith.

Great is our Lord and mighty in power;

    his understanding has no limit…

He covers the sky with clouds;

    he supplies the earth with rain

    and makes grass grow on the hills..

the Lord delights in those who fear him,

    who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Psalm 147: 5, 8, 11 NIV

As a parent, I find this scripture encouraging. We are reminded that God has no limits…that He understands us and yet He yearns for us to respect Him as creator, sustainer, and redeemer. God delights in people of faith who have put their hope in His love. We can return to God again and again to help us selflessly love our kids, even when life is messy, tangled, and dry. When we ask for help, God refreshes us!

Parents, you may be eager for your children to return to their school routines, having depleted your holiday lists of activities, crafts, meals, games, and movies. You may have hit your endpoint for entertaining your child over winter break. That’s OK! If you have several days left, there’s much to be said for boredom sparking healthy creativity in your kids. But if you have a bit of energy, try planting seeds this winter with your family – it will remind you of how God is growing good character and faith in all your family members.

Then as the kids return to school, we hope you continue to cultivate opportunities for refreshment and delight in Jesus – whether you are growing sunflowers in the garage or hiking the nearby green hills, squishing in the mud along the trail. Just be sure to thank God in the process, and your kids will notice who is the source of growth, in nature, and our hearts.

Grace and peace,


Fun Resources for Parents:

What Epic Kids  are learning in January:


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