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June 2024 Epic Families Blog

June 2024 Epic Families Blog


Kids’ use of technology is embroiled in a deep, ongoing debate. It’s a topic covered periodically in our home, with lively discussions in both the pro and con camps. It’s nuanced. We live in one of the largest and influential tech corridors in the world. There’s no doubt that technology is here to stay and it indelibly impacts our families. So what’s a Bay Area parent to do when we are faced with a stretch of summer months and our kids know that screen time rules are more likely to be lax? How do we fill our kids’ days with enriching content and activities? Do we embrace technology options for kids or do we unplug? Or maybe we can prayerfully empower our kids to have a summer of both digital and analog fun?

As I dive gently into this topic, I must give a caveat: I haven’t read or analyzed every study, book, or article on technology and families. However, my husband and I have read widely, prayed often, debated with fellow parents and our daughters, and continue to seek God’s wisdom and discernment in this area. Families can land in many God-honoring stances on this topic. However, even if a family’s approach to technology is a minor area of life, it can have a long-lasting spiritual impact as families allow tech habits to form them. 

It’s a rare week when I don’t see an article in the newspaper regarding technology and families. Just this morning, the WSJ’s senior personal tech columnist, Joanna Stern, was featured in an article on Apple’s sluggishness in fixing bugs circumventing parental controls. Parents can get righteously angry when we hear news like this, or simply overwhelmed with the details, not knowing where to start in setting boundaries. I can relate! What worked for my family – my husband and I set aside time to discuss how our family would handle technology. We opened in prayer, pulled back to a 20,000 foot view, and sketched out our ultimate goal for this area – that our family would be adept at using technology for specific purposes – researching topics of interest for school/work/hobbies, and especially using it to connect with people in real life.

I have good news and bad news for you – the good news? Technology CAN be used to fruitful ends with kids. The bad news? It’s going to be a messy and involved process to determine which technology is right for your family. Give it time. You have to read more than one review, determine reputable sources, wrestle with the pros and cons, pray, and maybe sleep on the decision before giving your child a tablet, phone, access to websites, or social media – no matter the parental controls. Allowing technology before due diligence is foolish, no matter how much your child pleads. I would also recommend that you hold your debate out of earshot of your child, especially if they are in elementary school or younger. Even now, my husband and I will go on walks or visit the garage with the express purpose of discussing how we will address a daughter’s request or situation, praying together, so we can get on the same page before the conversation with our daughter.

When seeking wisdom in parenting, I often turn to Proverbs and am encouraged:

Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise,

    and apply your heart to my knowledge,

for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you,

    if all of them are ready on your lips.

That your trust may be in the Lord,

    I have made them known to you today, even to you.

Have I not written for you thirty sayings

    of counsel and knowledge,

to make you know what is right and true,

    that you may give a true answer to those who sent you?

Proverbs 22:17-21 ESV

Once you have determined your technology boundaries, you can set up your techie, unplugged, or hybrid summer of activities! 

Unplugged activity options are as VAST as your imagination. There are a plethora of resources to spark your creativity and curiosity that don’t involve a screen or a pricey outdoor summer camp (although camp can be a highlight of a summer). Here’s a start of idea generation for all the categories:

Unplugged Resources

Tech Family Resources

Hybrid/Parenting Family Resources

My prayer is that these resources and encouragement will be helpful for your family this summer as you navigate what technology parameters to establish. These are just a springboard for you, and other seasoned parents in our community may have much to share within and beyond these categories. Together we are better as we share what “downloads” God has given each of us on the subject of technology! May the Lord provide a blessing of discernment and wisdom as your family determines your tech and unplugged mix this summer, and may your discussions with your children and teens be filled with grace and love.

Grace and peace,


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