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June Epic Families Blog

June Epic Families Blog


“Daddy, do you have time to take me out for another driving lesson today?” I hear my sixteen year old daughter ask at the breakfast table. Luckily for my daughter, my husband’s schedule is quite flexible, and they quickly arrange a time after work for a driving lesson. It’s clear she’s loving the opportunity to learn this skill from her dad, a guy who likes driving, and easily sets up drills that will set her up for success as she navigates the hills of San Francisco.

My daughter’s words take me back to my own driving lessons with my father, an extremely patient driving instructor, but a man of limited words. I can still recall the lesson I learned from him about watching your side mirrors and checking your blind spots. Confident after numerous circles in a parking lot, Dad allowed me to drive on the road. I was doing well, he said, and I started to ease my tense muscles across my back and shoulders. The car was humming along smoothly when Dad asked me to change lanes to prepare to turn. I quickly began to merge into the adjoining lane when Dad shouted, “WATCH OUT!” causing me to  swerve suddenly back into my lane, heart pounding in my chest. I had narrowly missed a car which had been in my blind spot. Tears welling up in my eyes, I apologized to my Dad for not looking into my side mirrors before merging, and I asked to switch drivers. We pulled over to a safe spot, and Dad took the wheel. I don’t remember the exact words he used then, but he didn’t say much, and those words were gentle.

Aren’t you thankful that our Father God is willing to teach us? To give us opportunities to follow His instructions and gently correct us when we err? I see the Lord’s handiwork all over my life as I look back at memories like this one. 

How often have I been overconfident in my abilities and unwilling to check my blind spots? As a parent, I have been humbled often, and many times the origin of my error has been hubris and lack of listening to the Lord.  God calls us to know ourselves and Him, and when we know Him and our own limitations, it’s much easier to rely on God to give us confidence as we lead this little person along the journey to adulthood.

“‘This is what the Lord says:

The wise person should not boast in his wisdom;
the strong should not boast in his strength;
the wealthy should not boast in his wealth.
But the one who boasts should boast in this:
that he understands and knows me—
that I am the Lord, showing faithful love,
justice, and righteousness on the earth,
for I delight in these things.
This is the Lord’s declaration.

Jeremiah 9:23-24 CSB

This text encourages us to be wise people who learn what God teaches, thanking God for His faithfulness, right judgment, and for keeping His promises. If we are always willing to learn from God, and we have the humility to share what we are learning with our kids, our children will likely follow suit. They may begin to desire learning from God, a perfect teacher, through His word!

Now wouldn’t it be lovely if God shouted warnings to us? To help us avoid collisions? Sometimes He does shout, but we aren’t listening. God’s Spirit can speak to us through people in our lives, allowing us to hear a clear word from God. When I hear a word from a trusted friend, and that word is echoed during devotional time, and even in random places, I feel like God is shouting – LISTEN UP!

And whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21 CSB

For this reason, we must pay attention all the more to what we have heard, so that we will not drift away. Hebrews 2:1 CSB

Finally, I’m grateful for Jesus’ gentle grace with me! How much easier it is to hear a correction that is gentle redirection, especially after a clear mistake. When we are discipling our kids, we must exercise wisdom in the voice we are to use – sometimes it’s a shout to avoid imminent danger (thanks Dad!), but many times it’s gentle words of love, redirecting us to the better path.

Fathers, don’t stir up anger in your children, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 CSB

As I again think back to my driving lesson with Dad, I am thankful he corrected me calmly (after the shout to avoid the collision), and took the wheel for a time so I could gain my confidence. I went on to pass my driver’s test, allowing me the freedom to explore far afield. However, I always remembered how I felt when my father demonstrated his love through gentleness. Oh, and I always use those side mirrors!

Grace and peace,


June Epic Kids Unit Verse:

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