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Launching Something New

Launching Something New

Genesis 12:1 The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”

As many of you know, we spent this past Sunday celebrating the launch of Epic Church. It’s been really special to reflect on everything that’s happened since that first day. As I think about what it was like to launch Epic Church on February 13, 2011, I want to ask you this question:

Is there something new that God is wanting to launch in your life? Maybe it’s a new company. Or an entirely new industry. Maybe it has to do with a relationship or your health or your character. If you’re going to launch something new, here are three things you need to know:

Before you can step into something new, you must leave what’s become familiar. Before Abram (later to be renamed “Abraham”) could go to this new place, he had to leave all that had become familiar. Before Nehemiah could go back and rebuild Jerusalem, he had to be willing to leave his familiar position as cupbearer to the king in Persia. And before the original disciples could follow Jesus, they had to be willing to leave their familiar careers and their families. If God is taking you into something new, you too will have to be willing to leave something that’s become so familiar to you.

We must be willing to launch something new without knowing exactly how it’s going to go. God didn’t even tell Abram a specific destination. When we started Epic Church, I had no idea we would end up here. Stop waiting to know all of the details before you step into what God has for you...or you’ll be waiting forever.

Though launching something new is scary, we aren’t doing it alone. Though Abram didn’t know all of the details, God promised to be with Him. What would you rather have, the details or the divine presence of God? The God who is leading you to launch something new is the same God who will walk you through the subsequent chapters as well.

If you are interested in launching something new and you haven’t signed up for a group yet, join me tonight at 7:00 PM PST as we begin a new season of the Bring It Out course. You can sign up here: Bring It Out course

Much Love,


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