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March Epic Families Blog

March Epic Families Blog

Choices. We are inundated with them each and every day. Recall the plethora of choices you made just this morning! I woke up 15 minutes late–do I save the workout for the afternoon or do a shortened routine now? What do I pack for the kids’ lunch? Do I miss the kids’ soccer games to volunteer at church or not? What film should we watch for family movie night? But what about choices that dig into deeper topics, like faith, failing, and redemption? Our kids are making choices too, and they often follow our lead in how they choose, regarding topics both simple and sublime.

God in his grace gives us the opportunity to choose. We aren’t robots, programmed by God to always do the right thing. The Lord has given us autonomy to decide if we want to follow Him, and in doing so, we enter into a fuller, richer relationship with Him! What’s challenging is that we need to keep making that choice to follow Jesus, day-in and day-out. Without some serious intervention by the Holy Spirit we could have choice fatigue and give up!

God doesn’t give up on us. What good news! He knows we are going to fall short and fail when making choices. We goof in all life areas: parenting, relationships, career, generosity. But God isn’t finished with us yet! He shows us through prayer, scripture, and wise counselors (sometimes even our children!) that we can make choices that do more than just help us cope with the reality of this world – our choices can allow us to thrive as we travel in community on the path toward our final destination – our eternal home with God.

Our kids need the opportunity to make choices, and this month, Epic Kids is teaching how to choose wisely as we follow God. Here are the themes for our March lessons: 

- I can choose to live in peace with others

- I can choose to respect God and His authority

- I can choose to stand up for what is right

- I can choose to follow God’s Word, even when it’s difficult

Let’s encourage our kids to dig deep and make choices that matter in their lives, make choices that honor the Lord. As our kids learn more about Jesus, we pray that they make the most important spiritual choice of all – to follow Him as Lord and Saviour.

Parents, please take some time during this season of Lent to talk about your faith with your children. If you have questions regarding Lent or the story of Jesus leading up to Easter, reach out to Epic’s pastors or staff. Take advantage of these special Epic resources: Family Lent/Easter guide, Easter Encounter April 11-15, and Easter Egg Hunt on April 9th. Make a choice to follow God as in Deuteronomy 6:6-7: These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Let’s make a choice today to continue this one long conversation with our kids – a conversation that brings life through Christ!

We hope this monthly blog is encouraging for your family. For more week-to-week information on Epic Kids @ Home family lessons, activities, and prayer prompts, please visit the Kids page on our website and join our Epic Family Facebook Group. We post resources each week to support your family in Bible study. 

Grace and peace,


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