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Marking Moments

Marking Moments

If I’m honest, I’m the guy who is always looking forward to what’s next. Maybe you can relate. Have you ever been on a vacation and found yourself already planning the next one? Or rather than being fully present at your current job, you might already be consumed with the next one? Or maybe you’ve just been served dinner and you’re already curious about the dessert options?

I spend most of my time thinking about the future of Epic Church and I think that’s mostly a good thing. But if I’m not careful, I won’t take the adequate time to celebrate all that has happened in the past. That’s why I am so grateful that we’re going to spend the month of February celebrating all that has happened since Epic was launched ten years ago. And don’t worry - we’ll spend plenty of time talking about our future!

Throughout the Scriptures, we read stories of how God instructed His people to mark significant moments. This is why there are so many festivals. It’s also why we take communion as a church. And when the Israelites crossed the Jordan River, they were instructed to set up stones to mark this significant moment. Why is God constantly calling us to mark special moments?

Deuteronomy 6:12 be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery

God wants us to mark significant moments so that we don’t forget all that He has done for us. We’re going to do this as a church throughout February, but I think it’s a great personal practice as well.

What significant moments do you need to mark and celebrate in your own life?

How does remembering God’s past activity in your life help you believe Him for your future?

Ready to Celebrate with You,


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