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May 2024 Epic Families Blog 

May 2024 Epic Families Blog 


In SoCal this week, I’ve learned some things. Traffic is only frustrating and hard when there's time pressure involved – otherwise it can actually provide time and space for good conversations. There’s more stories on college campuses than what is depicted by the news. Diehard Hollywood fans are pretty patient and willing to wait in the most uncomfortable places for a glimpse of their favorite actors. And no, although I am a cinephile, I didn’t get Emily Blunt or Ryan Gosling’s autograph, despite snapping a few photographs of them at their movie premiere.

What really captured my attention while outside the Dolby Theatre were the fans, my daughter being one of them. I had several questions running through my head while I people-watched from my vantage point against a column at the foot of the red carpet stairs:

  • What was the tipping point that motivated these fans to show up to a touristy part of town on a random Tuesday evening for a couple of hours?
  • What were they willing to sacrifice to get a shot at a selfie or autograph of a star?
  • Would they recount the experience of meeting their favorite actor to close friends or would the story be broadcast to a wider audience?

As I pondered, I started to see correlations between us following our fave famed stars and us following Jesus.

  • What qualities would be evident in a person’s life who called themselves a follower of Jesus?
  • What would drive that person to do what was uncomfortable or inconvenient to experience Jesus in their life? Would people who believed in Jesus wait for hours to see Him pass by?
  • How would people who encountered Jesus recount their story?

Doing some introspection, I started asking myself these questions. I confessed to God where I needed more faith and openness in sharing my love of Christ and living out my belief. I considered where I needed more fruits of God’s Spirit in my life – especially when thinking about recounting my story with my children and family. Could I get as excited or more about Jesus as movie fans get toward their favorite actors? Does my family, including my children, know unequivocally that I have a deep, growing faith in Christ?

If my answers to these internal questions are YES, then my next question is external: Is my life a winsome reflection of God’s love? How do I outwardly project my inner beliefs? Positively? Realistically? Consistently? These are questions worth grappling with for any person, but especially a parent. While we don’t need to be spouting scripture verses every other sentence, we ought to align our beliefs, words, and actions to provide God’s love to our kids!

The truth though – loving like Jesus is inconvenient and difficult. Jesus mentioned to His disciples that following him would be challenging:

Then he said to them all: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?” Luke 9:23-25 NIV

And let’s get real – parenting is inconvenient and difficult. I think that message is universally accepted, and not surprising. However, what doesn’t get talked about as often is this – parenting is also SUPER FUN and REWARDING! We can be kids at heart! Parents can read/watch/listen to their favorite children’s stories while watching their child’s eyes widen in wonder. We can dance with our kids with abandon and silliness to their music and double over with laughter together. The simple game of blowing bubbles at bath time becomes magical as our kid’s face lights up in a huge smile. Most of all, we can recount God’s blessings to our kids, and provide an environment to cultivate their faith walk.

So savor the fun – take moments out to give gratitude to God for the blessings He has provided so richly. Because Jesus also said that following Him would lead to life:

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly…My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10:10, 27-28 ESV

What a joy to experience that rich life of faith in Jesus with our kids! Let’s have fun while we wait for Jesus, even if it involves uncomfortable and inconvenient moments, days, or seasons. If this life was a piece of cake, we wouldn’t have much of a narrative. However, when we follow Jesus with dedication and devotion – the kind many would offer to a famous person – we will have a great story to retell with all who care to listen – because God’s goodness is worth remembering.

Grace and peace,


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